SummedErmine ★
Notice she doesn't have a passive Sp1 trap icon.
Why are the rewards almost exactly the same when there's supposed to be some insane new fight? Even act 6 did better than this...
UPDATE: For some reason the revive i had bought was sent to my overflow stache? I don't know what happened there but I guess its 40 less units for me so, sure.
Not to mention the fight was already over 5 or 6 minutes deep because I had no crit with the node.
When the emergency server maintenance occurred today, going back into the game caused the quest I was in to send me back a fight. And now my champion is dead, whereas before I had already beaten the fight and my champion was fine.
Ok. Restarting my whole phone fixed the problem, idk what was going on but oh well over.
I tried to attach a video of my problem but the file format is incorrect, I will try to asap.