The disagrees don't say anything... explain why you disagree and the benefits of not adding a more accurate matchmaking system.
I like the idea of Sandman and Mystique.
Mystique should definitely be added, especially since she plays a major role in the X-Men series and is always by Magneto's side. Although it will be a little difficult to come up abilities besides shape shifting.
Exactly, the Classic difficulty serves no purpose besides "nostalgia".
It is dumb. By the time you are a level 45, those rewards are not valuable to you anymore.
My friend is a level 28 and they still don't have it.
If that's the case then my friend should be able to access them, but they do not pop up in the game.
Yeah, I even looked myself because I figured they are not familiar with the game so I'll find it for them and it was not there.
Do you remember when they popped up for your second account? Maybe at level 30?
Please elaborate.
Oh, ok. So Classic has the original difficulty and champs of when it came out and Variant has the newer champs with increased difficulty. Gotcha.
Ah, that seems kinda lame... Isn't it the same map just more difficult enemies?
Even for the Classic difficulty? That seems kinda useless for the higher levels.
I have a friend that is new to MCOC and Back Issue doesn't show up for them, is that a bug or is there something they need to do first?