Thê_Gødfåthër ★
There are few counters to this outside out unitman and skill like Ghulk and Ghost with Hood synergy. Some methods to deal with no retreat is 4 hit combo dash back parry repeat. See Dorky Dave's video on this for better explanation
Any champ that is #Metal has 70% AAR, Magneto does insane damage against them and he ignore class advantage of they are tech.
Yes that's surely enough, as long as you take out the immune to AAR linked node for crossbones.
TJF can stun, shock, stagger. What can Joe do?
Parry heavy till SP3 and launch it with 40 prowess. Very simple
You are happy when AAR shuts down a node for you, but complain when it shuts down a helpful node. It only makes sense that this is the way AAR works because, Consistency.
Definitely not as bad as those whom I mentioned.
If you have a counter to 6.1.2 Ultron and 6.1.5 Crossbones, you should get Cavalier first. Who are those R4 champs?
They should rework champs that are actually meme tier first like Juggernaut, Iron Fist, Joe Fixit, Iron Patriot, OG Iron Man, etc
Missed opportunity to say "Whomst summon the m̶i̶g̶h̶t̶y̶ stealthy one"
Back in 2019.... EDIT: Sorry for crappy quality, not sure why it's like that
Suicides? Magik No suicides? Morningstar
Ghulk can do 6.1.1 no retreat and 6.1.2 boss and Magneto can do 6.1.5 Crossbones. 3 of the pain points on the road to Cavalier can be done with your roster, so definitely go for 6.1
You missed a day because you updated late probably
@ @PradumanGaming Why would you think he is #Metal? His skin is just shiny
Without any synergies, Luke is better imo.
Congrats, onwards to Cavalier now!
Do you have a video?
CAIW. Torch doesn't really need dupe
@Imran She isn't bugged at all. I just tried her and all variations of heavy chain work. The only thing that is bugged here is your inability to understand how to use Wasp
Such a vague description of the so called bug. Can you elaborate?
Agree, chaos is terrible if RNG is not good. Opponent might keep getting unstoppable
Maybe next time comment on the 18364892947 threads about this instead of creating a new one?
@Husain_b128 You must have done something wrong if you think that.
Explore Act 5 and LoL (Ægon can do it), then complete 6.2 (Medusa for 6.2.2 boss, Doom for 6.2.5 boss and SS/Shehulk/Doom for 6.2.6 boss) then go for V2 with Cull and Thing (both XL)
Stealth Spidey or Magik
Only intercept him, watch out for unstoppable. She hulk can pin him in the corner more or less since she had slow
You can click on the little i button next to a crystal to see what champs are in it. For basic crystals, just do a Google search for "*insert rarity* basic pool September 2020"
@HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH got 1:45 with this synergy team. I still haven't dipped below 2:00 with my 5/50 NF still sadly.