Thechamp8556 ★
No words nedsed
Just type apocalypse in the search bar. You will get a rank 3 six star. This is the way!
I did fairly well with guilly 2099. I never use pre fight. Gotta practice dodging his specials just like every other AQ boss. This is the way!
Hype is numero uno, and it ain’t even close. There is a reason there is no 6 star Hyperion.
I couldn’t find his spotlight. Can someone please post it. Thank you.
What I’ve noticed with the tech doom is the screen slants to give him that reach. He’s been clipping me even after I dash back because the screen slants.
Thanks for the Intell. I have a 5 star SS rank 4. I will use him on Terrax.
I don’t believe it’s random. I use to use wolverine and he would only process regen at the end of the fight. In Aq.
Sweet pull! Now go clear act 6 with him!! You will dominate!!!
26k on the l2
Stop crying you want something for nothing. You gambled and lost. You knew the odds going In. Now your mad you lost. Hilarious
Nope you either win the champ or you don't. Sorry but you weren't ready. No participation trophy in MCOC
And a five star thanos plus a six star Joe fix it
I demand ten five star awakening gems as compensation lol
13k got Gwen pool?? I was ranked 10k
So what about all the players who spent units to max MD ? Nerf the mastery just for you. Please give me a break learn to adapt, and stop asking to nerf stuff so you don't have fight against it.
Like I said your entitled to nothing. You lost get over it. Kabam owes you nothing. Your not forced to play the game it's voluntary but you want another arena. What about the other 12,000 players who did grind and get voodoo? What should they get? You will take your boosts and get over it.
I think it's great compensation. I think kabam did a great job considering the whole situation. I beleive it's fair to all involved
Well played kabam
No don't quit continue to spend
Stop begging and man up. You lost it's just that simple. Sound like some cry babies.
No one owes you anything. You are entitled to nothing.
Look my roster up. I have voodoo and can win basic arena with no problem. I just put up 12.5 mil in starlord arena.