
  • Switching form wifi to mobile data or the other way actually somehow bypasses this bug. As soon as the red disconnection symbol appears switch from wifi to mobile data or from mobile data to wifi (also possible to turn off wifi for a short moment and turn it on again) and it somehow re-establishes the connection. Even…
  • It actually seems to work if you just turn off and on wifi after the fight. I had mobile data on, so don't know if this is necessary or even works without Thanks for the hint :smiley:
  • Regarding those connection issues: They appear after approximately 1 minute, no matter which game mode (it becomes pretty clear in AQ and AW as there is a timer) but also in the main screen. I also used a network monitor and there is literally no traffic during the fights, only at the end. So possibly just a connection…
  • Same Galaxy A70 problem... In game name - Lord Schulz Device and model - Samsung galaxy a70 Device operating system - Android 10 Cellular or WIFI - Both Game version - 1012370 Game Mode - All Description of the issue - In longer fights at some point a connection lost-symbol shows up in the corner. Normally its possible to…