In-Game Name: BLADIE1 Device and Model:SAMSUNG A70 Device Operating System: (ANDROID 10 Game Mode: ALL MODES Been in contact with kabam which advised me to contact samsung, which i did. The problem is not with samsung as all other games and performance of my phone and internet work fine. Kabam also advised me to downgrade my phone back down to android 9, (which shows kabam have an issue with the newer android 10)The only game that has problems is the one mcoc. Yes the dreaded red flashing exclamation mark and loss of connection. Kabam please can we have a fix for this (upgrade your servers) or what ever it takes. It would be a shame after 5 years of playing the game to loose it due to technical issues thank you ps a little compensation would help too
Oyun İçi Adı: hellChampion Cihazı ve Modeli: Galaxy A70 Cihazı İşletim Sistemi: ANDROID 10 Hücresel veya WiFi: her ikisi de Yüklü Oyun Sürümü: 27.0.0 Oyun Modu: tüm modlar. Hikaye Görevleri, Etkinlik Görevleri, Arena, İttifak Görevi ve İttifak Savaşı. Sorunun Tanımı: Bu sorunun ANDROID 10 cihazımda benim için oluştuğunu fark ettim. Sebep hiçbir özel şampiyon gibi görünmüyor. Menüler arasında geziniyor olabilirim. Herhangi bir oyun modunda bir kavgada. Kristalin açılması veya envanter vb. Kontrol edilmesi. Kırmızı wifi sembolü, wifi veya hücre verilerinde olup olmadığımdan bağımsız olarak rastgele yanıp sönmeye başlayacaktır. Bir süre gecikecek ve sonra yükleme ekranında bağlantısının kesildiğini belirten bir mesaj alıyorum. Teşekkürler
In-Game Name: HS Moe Wint Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy A70 Device Operating System: Android 10 Cellular or WiFi: Both Game Version Installed: 27.0.0 Game Mode: All Description of the Issue: Still having Connectivity Error while playing any modes. That really annoys me and sometime I have to replay the match I've already won. Whenever the connection error occurs, I have to on/off Mobile Data or Wifi and wait to reconnect. And I'm sure my internet isn't a problem as I got no problem with other online games.
In-Game Name: chambell Device and Model: Galaxy A70 Device Operating System: android 10 Cellular or WiFi: both Game Version Installed: 27.0.0. Game Mode: all modes. Description of the Issue: after each fight connection lost. On the arena, even i win the game, the result iş changed to the lose. On the alliance mode, after the game my health looks less than it should be, and my enemy's always full.. than in this condition fighting again and again, until i lost
In-Game Name: Lubie Placki Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy A70 Device Operating System: Android 10 Cellular or WiFi: Both Game Version Installed: 27.0.0 Game Mode: All Description of the Issue: Connectivity Error while playing any modes. That really annoys me and sometime I have to replay the match I've already won. Whenever the connection error occurs, I have to on/off Mobile Data or Wifi and wait to reconnect. And I'm sure my internet isn't a problem as I got no problem with other online games. Its start when I update Android 10.
Switching form wifi to mobile data or the other way actually somehow bypasses this bug. As soon as the red disconnection symbol appears switch from wifi to mobile data or from mobile data to wifi (also possible to turn off wifi for a short moment and turn it on again) and it somehow re-establishes the connection. Even possible during fights and works most of the time. It's not a solution to the problem but it makes the game a bit more playable again.
Oyun İçi Adı: Celat2735 Cihaz ve Model: Samsung A70 Cihaz İşletim Sistemi: 10.0 Hücresel veya WiFi: Her ikiside Yüklü Oyun Sürümü:Son sürüm Oyun Modu: Her modda Sorunun Tanımı: Oyun oynarken sürekli sağ alt köşede bağlantı problemi yaşıyorum, yaklaşık 3 aydır oynuyorum. 10.0 yükledikten sonra bu sıkıntı olmaya başladı. samsung u arıyoruz bizden kaynaklı değiy diyorlar. lütfen bu sorunu çözün oyunu bırakıcam.
In-Game Name: ei_tai_ei_tai Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite Device Operating System: Android 10 Cellular or WiFi: Both Game Version Installed: 27.0.0 Game Mode: All Description of the Issue: Still having Connectivity Error while playing any modes. That really annoys me and sometime I have to replay the match I've already won. Whenever the connection error occurs, I have to on/off Mobile Data or Wifi and wait to reconnect. And I'm sure my internet isn't a problem as I got no problem with other online games.
These problems do not occure on my old phone (samsung galaxy note4)
In-Game Name: DeckardRJ Device and Model: Razer Phone 2 Device Operating System: Android 9.0 Cellular or WiFi: Both Game Version Installed: 27.0.0 Game Mode: All Description of the Issue: Horrendous lag in all gamemodes
In-Game Name: X01 Device and Model: Samsung A70 Device Operating System: Android 10.0 Cellular or WiFi: Both Game Version Installed: 27.0.0 Game Mode: All Description of the Issue: Horrendous lag in all gamemodes. Connectivity Error while playing any modes. That really annoys me and sometime I have to replay the match I've already won. Description of the Issue: after each fight connection lost. On the arena, even i win the game, the result iş changed to the lose. Need Help! Thx.
Name: IAmNotADinosaur Device: Samsung Galaxy S9 Device OS: 10 Cellular or WIFI: Both Game version installed: Newest, couldn't find exact name (as of may 2020) Game mode: All except Story quests and AW (AQ and Event Quests and Arena) The issue(s): Sometimes, usually about once per fight, my light attacks will turn into heavy charges, leading to me being pummeled by my opponent. Also, the fights will periodically freeze for about 10 seconds, forcing me to regain focus once it comes back into play. Lastly, about half the time I win a fight, the game will crash and act like the opponent took no damage, and it will say that I'm at half health. ****.
Ok, I give up. It has been months and the connection issue for A70 users hasn't even been adressed. Until last week, I had been playing the game for almost 5 years. And, after trying every channel of communication possible, even checking with Samsung directly, I QUIT. Yes, this is my goodbye to my fellow players. I believe, at least kabam is happy to have 1 less Android user. It is a bitter sweet feeling😔😔, but, as every break up, I Will find something to replace you, and move on.
It's getting worse each day. I can't do anything at all today, the game keeps on losing connection. Please do something. At least show us that you guys are working on it...
IngameName: HerizonHaze Android 10 Samsung A70 Latest Gameversion Gamemode: everywhere.... but you know that already.. these connection issues will never get fixed huh? Why you, kabam, didnt say it then? Say it loud. Say that you have no time for the A70 Users. Say that you dont need us. Than we can quit in peace and search for a other game
And now, the Chat is also broken... cant communicate in incursions... that sucks
IGN- Alfa Pigeon Device- Galaxy J3 Prime Android Version 7.0 Cellular or wifi: both Game version: latest Game mode: all Description- Game unplayable due to lagging when using or fighting against Vision Aarkus . The fights slows to a crawl in fight mode with him. I cannot even test him out or use him in any content. I just pulled him again as a 5* today and either you refund my shards for unplayable champ or fix this ongoing issue of the Aarkus lag on android, I have made many request concerning the same issue for months.
meu s10 lite chegou sexta-feira passada e assim que instalei o mcoc, a conexão está instável, caindo constantemente, pesquisei aqui no fórum e encontrei alguns relatos semelhantes, bem, gostaria de saber a solução para esse problema, porque hoje em dia guerra, fui prejudicado e não sei o que fazer nas próximas missões de jogo. no meu celular antigo, galáxia S6, tudo está normal.
Been having this issue with my A70 as well. tried talking to Kabam multiple times, and every time they told me to contact Samsung (That basically laughed at this inquiry) or revert to android 9 (which is the dumbest solution)
Actually I can't go to android 9 my phone released with Android 10 and I wasn't have this issue first 5 days of using it , in the end it's Kabam doing not Samsung Kabam should fix compatible devices with their MCOC server, i tried transformers from same company and it works great.
In-Game Name: ŢHANOS Device and Model: Samsung A70 Device Operating System: 10 Game Version Installed: Latest update as of May 31st, 2020. Game Mode: Force closed during aq, aw and when opening Crystal's or accessing inventory. If not force close, it will lag for a very long time and then load the unable to connect screen. Description of the Issue: The lag when accessing inventory or swapping game modes usually.causes the force quit and the loading of the unable to connect screen. This has been an issue for about 3 months as far as I can remeber.
@Kabam Lyra you last responded on january 13th of this year. This is now almost June and obviously still a very serious issue. Could we please have a more recent update on what's being done or what's going on. Thanks
In-Game Name: ŢHANOS Device and Model: Samsung A70 Device Operating System: 10 Game Version Installed: Latest update as of May 31st, 2020. Game Mode: Force closed during aq, aw and when opening Crystal's or accessing inventory. If not force close, it will lag for a very long time and then load the unable to connect screen. Description of the Issue: The lag when accessing inventory or swapping game modes usually.causes the force quit and the loading of the unable to connect screen. This has been an issue for about 3 months as far as I can remeber.
Device and Model:SAMSUNG A70
Device Operating System: (ANDROID 10
Game Mode: ALL MODES
Been in contact with kabam which advised me to contact samsung, which i did. The problem is not with samsung as all other games and performance of my phone and internet work fine. Kabam also advised me to downgrade my phone back down to android 9, (which shows kabam have an issue with the newer android 10)The only game that has problems is the one mcoc. Yes the dreaded red flashing exclamation mark and loss of connection. Kabam please can we have a fix for this (upgrade your servers) or what ever it takes. It would be a shame after 5 years of playing the game to loose it due to technical issues thank you ps a little compensation would help too
Cihazı ve Modeli: Galaxy A70
Cihazı İşletim Sistemi: ANDROID 10
Hücresel veya WiFi: her ikisi de
Yüklü Oyun Sürümü: 27.0.0
Oyun Modu: tüm modlar. Hikaye Görevleri, Etkinlik Görevleri, Arena, İttifak Görevi ve İttifak Savaşı.
Sorunun Tanımı: Bu sorunun ANDROID 10 cihazımda benim için oluştuğunu fark ettim. Sebep hiçbir özel şampiyon gibi görünmüyor. Menüler arasında geziniyor olabilirim. Herhangi bir oyun modunda bir kavgada. Kristalin açılması veya envanter vb. Kontrol edilmesi. Kırmızı wifi sembolü, wifi veya hücre verilerinde olup olmadığımdan bağımsız olarak rastgele yanıp sönmeye başlayacaktır. Bir süre gecikecek ve sonra yükleme ekranında bağlantısının kesildiğini belirten bir mesaj alıyorum. Teşekkürler
Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy A70
Device Operating System: Android 10
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: 27.0.0
Game Mode: All
Description of the Issue: Still having Connectivity Error while playing any modes. That really annoys me and sometime I have to replay the match I've already won.
Whenever the connection error occurs, I have to on/off Mobile Data or Wifi and wait to reconnect. And I'm sure my internet isn't a problem as I got no problem with other online games.
Device and Model: Galaxy A70
Device Operating System: android 10
Cellular or WiFi: both
Game Version Installed: 27.0.0.
Game Mode: all modes.
Description of the Issue: after each fight connection lost. On the arena, even i win the game, the result iş changed to the lose. On the alliance mode, after the game my health looks less than it should be, and my enemy's always full.. than in this condition fighting again and again, until i lost
Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy A70
Device Operating System: Android 10
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: 27.0.0
Game Mode: All
Description of the Issue: Connectivity Error while playing any modes. That really annoys me and sometime I have to replay the match I've already won.
Whenever the connection error occurs, I have to on/off Mobile Data or Wifi and wait to reconnect. And I'm sure my internet isn't a problem as I got no problem with other online games. Its start when I update Android 10.
Kabam: ......
iOS Users: He-
Kabam: We'll get to it right away! Don't worry about it. *Proceed and fix the problem in a few minutes*
It's not a solution to the problem but it makes the game a bit more playable again.
Cihaz ve Model: Samsung A70
Cihaz İşletim Sistemi: 10.0
Hücresel veya WiFi: Her ikiside
Yüklü Oyun Sürümü:Son sürüm
Oyun Modu: Her modda
Sorunun Tanımı: Oyun oynarken sürekli sağ alt köşede bağlantı problemi yaşıyorum, yaklaşık 3 aydır oynuyorum. 10.0 yükledikten sonra bu sıkıntı olmaya başladı. samsung u arıyoruz bizden kaynaklı değiy diyorlar. lütfen bu sorunu çözün oyunu bırakıcam.
Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite
Device Operating System: Android 10
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: 27.0.0
Game Mode: All
Description of the Issue: Still having Connectivity Error while playing any modes. That really annoys me and sometime I have to replay the match I've already won.
Whenever the connection error occurs, I have to on/off Mobile Data or Wifi and wait to reconnect. And I'm sure my internet isn't a problem as I got no problem with other online games.
These problems do not occure on my old phone (samsung galaxy note4)
Device and Model: Razer Phone 2
Device Operating System: Android 9.0
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: 27.0.0
Game Mode: All
Description of the Issue: Horrendous lag in all gamemodes
Device and Model: Samsung A70
Device Operating System: Android 10.0
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: 27.0.0
Game Mode: All
Description of the Issue: Horrendous lag in all gamemodes. Connectivity Error while playing any modes. That really annoys me and sometime I have to replay the match I've already won.
Description of the Issue: after each fight connection lost. On the arena, even i win the game, the result iş changed to the lose.
Need Help!
Device: Samsung Galaxy S9
Device OS: 10
Cellular or WIFI: Both
Game version installed: Newest, couldn't find exact name (as of may 2020)
Game mode: All except Story quests and AW (AQ and Event Quests and Arena)
The issue(s): Sometimes, usually about once per fight, my light attacks will turn into heavy charges, leading to me being pummeled by my opponent. Also, the fights will periodically freeze for about 10 seconds, forcing me to regain focus once it comes back into play. Lastly, about half the time I win a fight, the game will crash and act like the opponent took no damage, and it will say that I'm at half health. ****.
Android 10 Samsung A70
Latest Gameversion
Gamemode: everywhere.... but you know that already.. these connection issues will never get fixed huh?
Why you, kabam, didnt say it then? Say it loud. Say that you have no time for the A70 Users. Say that you dont need us. Than we can quit in peace and search for a other game
And now, the Chat is also broken... cant communicate in incursions... that sucks
Communication is clearly not your thing kabam...
Device- Galaxy J3 Prime
Android Version 7.0
Cellular or wifi: both
Game version: latest
Game mode: all
Description- Game unplayable due to lagging when using or fighting against Vision Aarkus . The fights slows to a crawl in fight mode with him. I cannot even test him out or use him in any content. I just pulled him again as a 5* today and either you refund my shards for unplayable champ or fix this ongoing issue of the Aarkus lag on android, I have made many request concerning the same issue for months.
tried talking to Kabam multiple times, and every time they told me to contact Samsung (That basically laughed at this inquiry) or revert to android 9 (which is the dumbest solution)
Device and Model: Samsung A70
Device Operating System: 10
Game Version Installed: Latest update as of May 31st, 2020.
Game Mode: Force closed during aq, aw and when opening Crystal's or accessing inventory. If not force close, it will lag for a very long time and then load the unable to connect screen.
Description of the Issue: The lag when accessing inventory or swapping game modes usually.causes the force quit and the loading of the unable to connect screen. This has been an issue for about 3 months as far as I can remeber.
Device and Model: Samsung A70
Device Operating System: 10
Game Version Installed: Latest update as of May 31st, 2020.
Game Mode: Force closed during aq, aw and when opening Crystal's or accessing inventory. If not force close, it will lag for a very long time and then load the unable to connect screen.
Description of the Issue: The lag when accessing inventory or swapping game modes usually.causes the force quit and the loading of the unable to connect screen. This has been an issue for about 3 months as far as I can remeber.