TreyMoss2016 ★
@AvengerDaan my in game name is Smoke23. Yes I have discord
Smoke23 is game name. Check me out and lmk. I’m interested
In game name is Smoke23. I’m interested
In game name is Smoke23
Discord is thechosen1_23
In game name is Smoke23
Is line required?
I have 7k and adding more soon. Game name is Smoke23
I’m looking as well
In game name is Smoke23. Interested
My discord is thechosen1_23 I’ll have about 10k units to use on banquet event
try now I fixed the issue
I added you
@Titanic_be3st i added u on discord
My discord is thechosen1_23 I’m interested in the 10k unit alliance
So line is required huh lol
I use discord, is that ok?
I’ve been in high tier wars and am I competitive player. Always doing AQ and AW
I have 14k prestige is that ok?
14k prestige ok?
Is line required
What rank is the alliance?
Is line required?
Is Line app required?
Doubt it, nobody uses line app, discord is way more efficient and effective. Good luck tho
Sent request
Let me rephrase for the idiots. I DO NOT AND WILL NOT USE THE LINE APP. Good day
Clearly Bob can’t read lol I literally said in ALL CAPS that I don’t have line app smh
Interested but don’t have line