
  • You can go to the character page and read the description, and it’ll tell you. His very first sections are prize tokens and fabulous prizes. All of his prizes are active as a defender, so yes.
  • The valiant store doesn’t even offer t6cc. I have invested t6cc in 74 champs. Take offer 5 that has t2a in it (which I just sell immediately) put in t6cc and put the price at 8000 instead of 5000.
  • Treasure island was only good because they messed it up multiple times. First they had to open all the rewards because it was bugged. Then there was an issue that resulted in us getting loads of bonus entries, allowing us to get all the best stuff from an additional difficulty.
  • Yeah we should still be able to sell these.
  • I think Necro was a bigger concern. Story content hasn’t been a barrier since act 6.
  • It depends how on how bad I am against them. Bullseye, I’m real bad with anyone besides Sinister. I can take enchantress in this meta with Torch because smoulders stack so quickly. If their champ is higher ranked than mine, that factors in too - 7r3 duped serpent will get banned at the expense of my 7r2 unduped. And as…
  • It used to be 5 on/3 off (repeat). The end result of the change is that we do AQ for 32/56 days instead of 35/56 days, with the added perk of picking what days.
  • In a world of 7r3 champs (climbing toward 7r4) what does an ascended 6r5 Magik really trivialize? It can’t be lane content in story mode, because that has already been scaled. It can’t be major bosses, because they have built-in immunities. Even for individual matchups, there are so many skill champs with ability…
    in 6* Magik Comment by TyEdge January 28
  • Laughing Loki at myself when I get destroyed by a defender. Sad Hela for when I get beat. Cap to my opponent (I try to make a habit of this) And I still have the default BW and one other I ignore. Some dingdong with a lightweight roster tried to hit me with the Prof X finger wag. He brought Torch to fight a r3 Sasquatch…
  • It’ll be Gerard Butler. Not a character he played. Actually Gerard Butler. He’ll be awful.
  • Milestone rewards: the lower milestones are good primarily for embers and a few trophies. Something is fundamentally broken about GC when the only incentive for most to play is the 3-day rewards and the solo event milestones. The number of people in each rank is so small that most people are destined to be stuck in uru 3.…
  • Because you’re reading it wrong. The damage reflected is energy damage from electro to the opponent.
  • Because they abandoned variant content, I really want some time capsule content. I want literally EOP exactly as it was, for example. Throw a 6-star 3-4 gem in there to help people get paragon and try to find something cool to entice valiants. (You could just put the rewards in one of those title-restricted selectors if…
  • Falcon wrecks him. Any non-contact attacker is good
  • Thanks. Maybe @Karatemike415 or @KabamPinwheel can tell us whether another Season of Smashing starts in February or this era of MCOC will end and something else will emerge.
  • @KabamDORK this was sort of promoted as a 2024 thing when it launched, possibly because of the deathless chase. Can you confirm if another Season of Suck will start after this one, or if this will be over/shift to something else?
  • There once was a champ named Juggs In the new update he was so full of bugs That if you threw His special 2 He’d look like he’s just giving some hugs
  • I’m fine with the rewards for the time and resources invested. With that said… Here’s where your analysis misses the mark: I’ve already taken 32 6-stars to r5. So my reward is a 33rd and 34th most desired 6-star to r5, or a niche rankup for BGs or other content cheese purposes. I made the choice to try to do something fun…
  • To the extent that’s true, 1) those people aren’t playing the same game as me anyway (I’m a low-spend valiant player with 20 gems who refuses to use one unless I have to) 2) you could have managed this with purchase limits - trade 20 for 7-star AG shards (or whatever number), and/or trade for more than 1 stone, then trade…
  • So basically they think it only tests for valiant progress once paragon is reached? If that’s the case, I’d love to see a 2 for 1 of someone doing a 6r4, becoming paragon then immediately valiant. Get on it, MCOC sickos!
  • I always have someone I want to ascend. I’ve ascended almost all of my 6r5 champs (28 ascended) and now I’m ascending some 6r4 who offer some specific value in content, like Abs Man and Magneto (both of whom took FOREVER to find my roster)
  • Thanks. If future Seasons of Suck content continues, it’d be nice to incorporate one piece selector each season as an objective reward or milestone reward. That was kinda what I was hoping for.
  • Has @KabamDORK or someone else confirmed that no deathless pieces or selectors will be available in 2025, except for units? I saw someone post that, but didn’t remember hearing that from Kabam directly.
  • My final fight was a solo with Angela on my Third try. I always just revive through these things and I really liked the straightforward nature of what I had to accomplish here.
  • Yeah, it’s a tough pill to swallow, but if the solution to several of the issues here is “don’t level/rank so many champs,” then the problem isn’t the stores and game economy. The problem is you’re leveling too many champs.
  • You only need t4cc to take a 6-star from r1 to r2. Valiant players might have the occasional white whale (I finally got DPX today as a 6-star) but other than a super random Season of Suck objective or a new meta champ, I can’t imagine what you’re putting into your 6-star roster. With that said, this should be about fun. If…
  • My recollection was that past gauntlets were 21 days
  • The timer says 45 days left so there’s either a week off before the finale or a week after that’s baked into this timer.
  • Here’s the sad reality of this event: If you build the main prizes into the milestones, you spread the value around more evenly and you keep whales from getting a huge windfall. If the crystals are absolutely lit, megawhales will get more separation from the population as a whole. I’m very happy I chose to spend my units…
  • Weird but true: Way more than 5% of players get top-5% rewards in the alliance banquet rank rewards. The lower ranks are littered with alliances that may just have a few players, and many won’t spend beyond the included units. In some of these alliances, 2-3 players may be the only ones to get rewards. Meanwhile, the…