VulcanM ★★
right. i feel like its more confusing to say there is a possibility of a 4* version and then saying its not in there, than saying in brackets that in addition to all the other champs you have a chance at a 3* cyclops. but yeah i understand, guess i coulda used more common sense, thanks.
nah, it procced for me about 5-10 percent of the time. so i think rng is holding a grudge against you rn.
the chances of getting a decent 5* are like 1/10 because there are so many terrible champs compared to good champs. expecting to get good champs is like thinking that you are gonna win the lottery every time.
5* ghost
how bout ghost, shes pretty over powered in my opinion. dont get me wrong, i love my 5* ghost, but she's almsot to good in my opinion.
1. as mentioned only aar when awakened 2. blade does the same thing but better and doesnt need awaken
no shes not really worth it in my opinion. she is significantly worse than before her nerf and right now there are way better 4*s to rank 5.
to play it, but not to be able to SEE the quest. its either a bug or they removed it because you have no need for it at your level
its not 2.1.6 its 5.2.6
arena, quests, and the milestone rewards(peak included) calendar. my main source of units is arena crystals.
dont expect to get a good 5*/6* and you wont have this problem.
its predictable because its the truth, and some people are just to self centered to see otherwise
let me translate this. "i didnt get what i wanted, therefore kabam is rigging the game against me."
i would try to get her maxed as soon as possible. she benefits from suicides, and the wasp synergy is crucial. rank 1/25 ghost can beat ws faster and cleaner than maxed 4* star lord if you can play her right.
hmmm. interesting. i enjoyed the take on the classic spidey theme at the end. tbh this teaser is just what i would have imagined, nothing less.
i saw this video on my youtube feed actually, a decent tutorial, nice job.
pshhh, 6* blade. thats a funny joke.
not really a great player, got 9 5* and like 60 4*, but i just got ghost as a 5* so i suspect i will be able to get through some harder content much easier now, meaning i can get even more 4 and 5* shards.
its a bug, if youve already played a match sometimes it resets the counter back to 1/1(not really tho its still 0/1 entries) and it lets you in but then it realizes you aren't allowed in there, so it kicks you out. so basically it forgot to cross you out of the guest list after you fight a trial.
forgot my main, but my alt was proxima
you think the thing is hard, wait till you get to diablo
nah nah, gotta get that good 2* guilly
beating rol cm with a 3/45 ghost rider in 650 hits. its my highest hits in one fight so far i think.
Star lord > Scarlet Witch imo for rol
void should be great for him tbh, i took him down with a 5/50 quake and a 40% revive
i would love an archangel for my mutant gem
my team consists of 4/40 4* and 2 5/50 and a 3/45... diablo should be a breeze for you...
possibly quake him to death
seatin 1st and brian for a distant 2nd. the rest are really bland in general, but also lacking in humor for the most part