Wayover ★
Mopitcher: if you’re still looking for an alliance, we are Gold 1 tiers 6-7-8. We run map 6 all days. If interested, hit me up on line, id 229340
Got it, thank you
We are G1, we have been for over a year. We run map 6 all days. We don’t concentrate on BGs, but we did hit the 11%-20% milestone. I sent you a line message as well as a friend request in game.
We hit 11-20 last
We hit the 11%-20% rank rewards last season
Just got my arena rewards. Thank you
I haven’t gotten my arena rewards for Destroyer. I put up 14.1M points My game name is: Wayover my head Pictures attached:
I didn’t see a request to join, maybe one of the officers rejected it? Your prestige is quite low. We’re looking for at least 11K. Judging strictly on you top 4 champs on your Summoner profile, you won’t have the depth of champs to keep up with AQ map 6, and AW attack & defense. I suggest you try a Gold 3 alliance that…
Unfortunately, line is the only way we communicate
Are you still looking for an alliance? We are Gold 1, map 6 alliance, we use line to communicate. My line ID is 229340
If you are still looking for an alliance. Please hit me up, line ID 229340
Are you still looking for an alliance to join? I sent you a line message.
Are you still looking for an alliance? We are a Gold 1, map 6 alliance. Line id: 229340
Have you found a new home yet? I sent you a line message.
Are you still looking for a G1, map 6 alliance? I sent you a line message
Hello Jayo. Have you found a new home yet? Our alliance is looking to replace someone who is going into semi-retirement. We are Gold 1 & run map 6 all days. (Full disclosure: we are not looking to get into Plat4.) I sent you a message on Line as well.
You can see our alliance info
Hello. Are you still looking for an alliance? I’m part of a fully established G1, we run map 6 & we use line. We are laid back, not looking for platinum status. We finish map 6 about 99% of the time, all days. We also do pretty good in battlegrounds.
If you’re still looking. We have a spot. Your friend list is full so I can’t add you as a friend to communicate with you. My user name is: Wayover my head. Alliance tag is: COTG2. We are Gold 1 & run map 6. We are laid back and not really interested in pushing for higher war ranking or harder AQ maps. If that’s right up…
Sorry, that’s maps 55444