XToThaAMan ★
What kind of AQ scheduled do you guys run? I'm interested in finding a semi retirement ally for Banquets. My ally is pretty dead as far as achieving goals.
Actually my in game name has changed to AJDAXMAN
Contact me in game or on Line If interested, we run 554 AQ Silver 1, on the verge of Gold. Just need players to shore up 1 BG.
Hey whats up man, I added you on Line, I'm looking for a few good men for my ally. We run 554 w a 200M goal in AQ, optional 1Bg AW. Hit me back if interested!
We are looking at the release of gifting event awards before we have free space anyone interested can receive whatever rewards in current ally.
We can definitely make room for you Shoka
We could be a good fit for you, contact me in game or on Line as XToThaAman
contact me in game or on Line app as XToThaAman
Lol well come join us then so we can find out, contact XToThaAman in game/on Line for info.
Hey man come check us out, we are Gold 3 ally doing an unexpected rebuild. We run AQ 53x5/2 Bg AWs. Line is preferred but not required, contact XToThaAman on Line app or in game for more info.
Hey bud, my ally runs a 554×5 setup and we are looking for some map 5 capable players to join. HMU on Line app or in game under same screen name.
Contact me on Line app as AJDAXMAN, we are casual ally looking for some map 4 capable players.
I may be interested in bringing a few good men to ya, contact me in game under the the same name or on Line app as AJDAXMAN
Add me in game: XToThaAman or on Line as AToThaXMan Update since poster creation: We run 2 Bgs of Map 5 and have 2 open spots currently, looking for 4 players to run 3 map 5s
Hi, I have a 16 accounts that Im looking for an active, organized ally that can 100% map 5. Over 5 mill total rating combined, avg prestige of members right around 5k and we all have Line.
Add me in game or on Line as XToThaAMan if you are still looking