ap4057 ★
3*Iron Man :'(
T This dude..
She looks fat :D
Not that good unduped... :p
Mine is still down :'(
bro add ap4057 on Line.
I got 4*Blade from a PHC but still waiting to awaken him. Congrats BTW.
This is a persistent problem especially for Android users and that too previous versions. It actually costs me more time in loading tham playing, lol.
True man, easier to get T4 than T3 and manier times T3 has pissed me off. Recently I pulled up IMIW but didn't had T3 to rank him up. After I got T3 from class daily, the same day he was at R4.
Yeah very good idea man, craving for it. But we all know @"Kabam Miike" is n***.
So you discarding your account >:) Wanna deal :wink:
Thanks buddy
Not exactly quitting, but compelled me to spend more time in the game and the reason was 4* Blade from a PHC. He was my first good 4* and before it I used my maxed out 3* Hyperion, Medusa, IMIW, Killmonger and Iceman. Blade literally helped me to stomp in Heroic Xenoclast EQ. I got Wasp and 5* Mordo after this event and I…
Duped my Massacre, lol
I have been lucky to find a few. Blade, Dr.Strange, Symbiote Supreme, Iron Fist, Venompool and MrsMarvel. It's great luck as I only have 22 of 4* plus 4 dupes.
Happy April Fools
Mordo Wasp
Yeah, no global only regional with few exceptions.
Duped my Massacre, phewwwww... I would have loved a new champ.
Same thing with my alliance. We are in Silver3 and we are matched with a Gold3 alliance. Their alliance rating is 7 times higher than ours. Kabam this is SICK...
And my main point here is that whether compensation should be rewarded or not. Leave my story, it's a long time ago (Season 7), I'm talking in general whether such actions should be taken or not. Reinstating War Rating, Adjusting points, Giving the shards& other stuffs and all that.
Plus those were that guy's best champions and his PI was not much high but he had completed Act3. His arena streak was also kinda high(30+). I don't remember the name amd I know I'm not allowed to tell it so this post is probably not a violation of any policy.
Okay yes I don't remember the exact champ but name a champ using which the same feat could be achieved: "Kill the boss at 15k+ with a 1.5k champ in a single match and taking zero damage" All 3 champs at max health and he was the only one to reach that far meaning he must have defeated few other champs near the boss too…
I agree that highly skilled players can do that, but the guy I am taking about had all 3* and the best part not a single damage. All his champs were at max health. Now beating a 15k boss with a 1.3k attacker without a single damage in one go. That's not possible, not even blocking damage.
Bro can you defeat a 5*R3 Thor Ragnarok as boss with a 3*R3Champion(I don't remember which but it was cosmic) whose rating is around 1300. Not forgetting that there were many good champs before the boss too. If played fairly these guys wouldn't have passed the first node leave alone the boss and it meant around 50k points…