disturbedgenius ★
I've got 5/5 on both Limber and Stand Your Ground. That should give the best protection against opponents using heavy attacks then? But against some enemies it's impossible to use heavy attacks. Is there a mastery that can counter Limber and Stand Your Ground or how can some still use heavy attacks despite these masteries?
Update: I just received the missing BG solo rewards after about 45 of the 48 hours that Kabam said it would take. Good job from them!
Kabam support said "within 48 hours" when i contacted them saturday, so i figured monday was set.
Ok, thank you!
Weird, i've played probably 10-12 rounds of Incursions since the re-release and i've gotten Iron Man every time in both zone 5 and 10, both solo and duo.
Got BG Alliance reward but no solo reward despite having 17,100 points in the event
So buggy. I was also in the 50k-100k range with 17,100 points. Hope they fix this as well, i've sent a support ticket about it but haven't heard back from them yet.
Am i the only one that received rewards for BG Alliance event but not for BG solo event?
Oh, so that combo ONLY works right after SP3? No other time? What's the go-to combo for the fight in general then? Is that just MLLLL or was it some combo ending with a heavy attack?
Which Incursions rewards page? The official one i've found is outdated and doesn't mention sector 8 at all. It says that sectors 6 and 7 are tier 1, but tier 1 is sector 8 in game and sectors 6 and 7 are tier 2.
Because i got everything i needed from the main quest. The side quest was completely useless and gave nothing at all in terms of usable rewards and everyone Uncollected or below just wasted their time if they spent a single second doing the side quest.
Thank you!
I bet you're the funniest guy in your moms whole basement.
My best three champs does not reach the recommended total team rating to be able to play sector 7, which is 24,000 and the combined team rating of my three best champs is 22,500. Edit: I'm tier 2, not tier 1.
But Havok's SP3 instantly kills pretty much everyone below 80 health, is AA absolutely better despite that?
Sorry i meant Bishop of course lol
Only 3* crystal shards as reward in Master and only premium hero crystal shards in Heroic?? Where are all the 4* crystal shards you usually get rewarded in Master?? It's hardly worth the time and effort playing Master just to get 3* crystal shards.
So to summarize all the answers in this post: Kabam is way behind their time and still thinks it's 2015.
Wow that's crazy, seems about time for Kabam to upgrade their offers if this one has existed for more than 5 years. It seems really outdated.
I can't because i'm not able to play Story Quest longer than Act 2 Chapter 1 due to similar reasons. And before more ppl presses "LOL" on the OP, this is all due to mental health issues in the form of very severe OCD.
I have been grinding Arena a lot, but i'm kinda tired of the Arenas with 3* champs where you only win premium hero crystal shards and s small amount of 3-star hero crystal shards. A lot of work for small awards.
Thanks for changing my mind guys. Only took like 2 minutes 😄 I only had champion progression in mind and did not consider these things you all mention.
I did not think about that. Thanks!
But Proxima doesn't deliver a generally high damage on SP3 no matter who the opponent is and no matter which buffs, debuffs etc they have. Her SP3 can do a lot of damage against some champions, but sometimes her SP3 only causes 25-50% damage.
Def not Proxima, sometimes she only deals 25% in damage with SP3, not even close to the ~70-80% that Havok consistantly delivers no matter the opponent.
My champions with high enough ratings are: Captain America (IW) Hyperion Blade Havok Medusa She-Hulk Darkhawk Mysterio
Ok wait, a few ppl keep saying it's easy and there's no problem with the right champions. But at which level of playing are you guys? Are average players finding it easy or are these "git good"-guys pretty highly skilled for their team rating? Am i supposed to be good enough if i'm around or slightly below averagely good?
And your team rating for this was around 12,500?
Agreed. And an even more annoying thing is that sometimes your partner aren't responsive and won't even enter the first node and after waiting an hour for them to make the first move you just give up and quit - and your champions still have to go through cooldown for 24+ hours. I only have two sets of 4-star champions…