heather0995 ★
Not sure if you’ve found an alliance by now. We run map 6, 3BG of Raids, 50k Bg minimum, and optional wars (1bg currently) heather3.0 on line if you’re still looking
Sent you a friend request in game ☺️
Ours did too
Thank you, I hope that is the case!
Couldn't find you on line. My id is heather0995
still looking
If anyone wants to join before season starts hit me up
Looking for 1 again
We are full up now thanks!
IGN - heather0995 I would love 2 GGC's What an amazing idea! I didnt see this last year, what a wonderful person you are :smile: . My greatest achievement this year in the game was getting my first rank 5 5*, Domino! Now at the end of the year I have 2 and I'm very close to a third thanks to my alliance running some map 6…
Still looking
Looking for one again
Two days of map 6 plus plat 4 in war. Couldnt find you on line either. My ID is heather0995
heather0995 on line
Add dark.ph0enix on line. May have a group of 3 interested
You sound like a good fit for one of our alliances. Message me on line if you are still looking for somewhere: heather0995