hesse911 ★
@"Kabam Miike" All good things and games which stop making money inevitably come to an end. I hope mcoc goes on for many years but I was thinking about what will happen at the end. I guess we just don't know, since often games get sold on to other companies or just shut down. What I am saying is, that as a final way to…
I am not 100% sure of how it is calculated, and I don’t see a reason why Kabam can’t clear it up and just tell us. The defender rating number in the image might be modified by mastery set up or boosts etc. It’s my guess that MVP is calculated of the base PI of the defenders along with exploration. I don’t think defender…
@Kabam Miike I am really not sure if you read every post your tagged on, but hopefully you read this one. The changes that have been made to AW have, in my opinion, completely sucked the fun out playing AW. So much so, that I just quit my alliance which I had been in for over a year. In the space of 4-5 wars, since the…
Hi looking for one player to join before season 3. Message me on line app
Hi summoners, we are after 1 more player , message me in game or on line app
Hi soreal, we can take u in our top alliance but your bro's prestige is a little low. However we do have a sister alliance where we could take him which is in gold 3. If your interested tap me up IGN hesse911 or line app same name
Looking for 2 skilled boss killers. Message In game or line
Still on the hunt for 1 more skilled player
Hi i am afraid that would be a problem. We really need good communication. But thanks
Still looking, ping us a message if interested
Looking for another skilled player join IOM. Pin me a message if your interested hesse911
Hi have you found a home yet? Check out iom. Ingame name hesse911. Gold1 aw aq 5x5. Tap me up
Still on the hunt for skilled players for gold1 aw
We are still looking, tap us up on line app or ingame
Hey folks we are looking for a summoner to join before war placements tonight (2-may-18) add me on line app or IG
hey guys we are looking for a summonercto join at the end of aq. 15th april. if your interested message me on LINE app hesse911 jamesnptonuk
Hi summoners, we have a space opening up if anybody is interested, tap me up "hesse911" ingame or LINE "jamesnptonuk" ingame or LINE
Still looking for one more summoner to join after AW season rewards come in. message hesse911 on line app if your interested
still looking for one summoner, add me in game name hesse911
hi greenstroke, can you tap me up on line app and we can chat, cheers
this was insane luck
yea UC is no problem with blade, You could consider taking a slightly different route, go straight on instead of left after UC. but the downside is that you will have to fight 2 extra champs, Vision, spidergwen then cyclops , but these guys don't have any enigmatic abilities and only 1.5 m health. Sparky is great though…
I think u got it, I did 3.49ish last month and landed around 60th on the list. although u have got some waiting around to do. not sure if Kabam have a set time when the results come out, it seems different each month. I might be wrong though. the results for age of sentry came out yesterday. Good luck