
  • I can't deny that the responses in AW chat were in poor taste. It definitely doesn't help the case I'm trying to make. But I would also argue that accusing another group of cheating in AW chat is typically met by responses like that. It doesn't mean that those replying even know the specific circumstances the accusations…
  • You reached out to me, yes, but I had already started trying to find Line contact info for you squad and was trying to get in touch with your team that way since in game chat frankly isn't somewhere I like trying to talk to someone. I asked you for the same info, which you refused, but luckily others weren't as stubborn.…
  • Ok, so I'm the leader of the alliance (WTF) getting accused of cheating by Integral and want to clear up a few things I tried to talk to Integral but apparently one member's actions means an entire alliance is a bunch of lying cheaters and he won't carry on a regular conversation with them. So yes, he lost one war and is…