
  • I don’t disagree with that at all, I’m just saying I appreciate some form of adequate resolution provided. This has been a significant stressor no doubt, but at least something is better than nothing.
  • As someone who tracks all numbers thanks to my nerdish love for spreadsheets, I have figured out we were awarded the average of our per-war score minus the 50k winner “season bonus” points multiplied by our current tier multiplier. Basically, it scored us as a “defeat” but it’s better than nothing. I personally appreciate…
  • Nothing new??? “Support” keeps closing my tickets, they have no idea what I’m trying to say (I keep getting the “matchmaking closes at 7pm PST” explaination), and this thread keeps getting buried here... Patience is wearing thin here...
  • @“Kabam Lyra” Thank you for the update and clarification. The way you explained things is all I’ve been waiting for, with exception of the necessary and appropriate solution to rectify this matter. Thank you!
  • The simple math of things is this... If we weren’t victims of Kabam’s error and let’s say we lost the third war, we’d be ranked in the top 90 of our current tier based on the average score for our losses... Let’s say we won the third war, we’d be within the top 70 of our current tier based on the average score for our…
  • My concern is this issue might not have been reported on a wide enough scale to warrant an official announcement and support tickets keep getting “misunderstood”... Now that rewards for round 2 were delivered, is the issue with the matchmaking error not allowing us here to get in that third war a big enough concern for…
  • Rewards and points from second round war are all set, I can confirm (at least for my alliance). But I'm also seeking clarification regarding being set back with the inability to run the third war due to the error message received. What will be done about this to bring "balance" back to Season 2???
  • I’m not letting this one go! +2m points are at risk here, +115 rank spots are at risk here, the difference between platinum and gold is at risk here, and I keep watching my alliance rank drop closer out of platinum which is demoralizing since this is a Kabam goof and I have nothing to take back to my alliance as far as…
  • Ok well it should be good enough into the work day for PST for a response now, right? Still nothing? Bad form Kabam... Another task ticket submitted, let’s see what response I get this time...
  • Still nothing? Bad form Kabam...
  • I’m gonna be struggling to abide by the forum “rules” here in a sec so I’ll just wait for my ticket response to give me the feedback form generic response since that’s all they seem to be good for... This is infuriating! This better be fixed game-wide to bring an even playing field back to Season 2...
  • @"Kabam Vydious" any progress here??? We’re 6hrs out from our last war ending and under 30 minutes before matchmaking closes... This is unfair and makes Season 2 an unbalanced playing field now... Aren’t you guys all about “balance”???
  • 6 hours later and no progress since our last war ended... If this is going to persist, all 3rd round wars should be reset so not to give any other alliances the edge as there are apparently still alliances out there that can’t start matchmaking for an even playing field.
  • Things seem to be working for other alliances... we’ve dropped over 100 rank positions which means other alliances are getting awarded their points. We haven’t received any rewards, points increase, or ability to start matchmaking. This needs rectified ASAP!
  • @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Wolf" @"Kabam Vydious" @"Kabam Loto" @"Kabam Zibiit" Someone able to respond as to what’s going on? Under an hour and a half before we miss out on the third matchmaking series and AW season points lost...
  • @"Kabam Vydious" where’s the update on matchmaking?!? Season ranks are dropping here without our points from the most recent AW series and we’re still unable to start the third matchmaking series... Not cool fellas!
  • Just what we need, a way for the rich to keep getting richer... Congrats!
  • I was told to force close and restart the app, as if I didn't try that multiple times already... Seriously? My BG had to run Day4 with 9 guys and I couldn't even enter AQ to be a energy "walker" or spectate my BG to provide guidance or rearrange routes, and as Leader I felt absolutely worthless! So to get an obviously…
  • The exact same issue occurred once I started AQ for my Alliance! Clicked start, joined my BG, selected the same AQ team as always, now I'm KOed showing no one on my team and can't continue or spectate my BG at all... Sent a ticket in immediately and no word yet! Day4 needs all hands on deck especially with the 4hr delayed…