
  • Wanted Herc, pulled Herc. Only want to dupe KP now and I'll be content.
  • He's not the amazing long-lasting evade counter he was anymore, and if that part of his kit was not working as intended I can understand fixing it. BUT why not acknowledge it as a bug? Why not acknowledge that this was being looked into? All of this confusion could have been avoided if it was just formally stated by the…
  • Quest looks good, I'm glad it's the currency format! Only the usage of the Star Mine Coordinates isn't very clear from the write-up - are they used up if we enter any difficulty, or can we use them multiple times for all difficulties? If not I don't see how we can earn 1.85M Star Ore. Edit: wrong math earlier. Looks like…
  • As a casual gamer, my only question is if this is a precursor to an updated TB calendar at the very least. Aside from that I really cannot be bothered with this title, I play too casually for me to even think about it anytime soon. I'll get there when I get there I guess.
  • Something that might be helpful to improve the communication - can we get a realistic simulation of what is intended for the rating program and how a champ released more than 6 months ago would be balanced? Take any champ released pre-July 2021, rate the champ as you would (even loosely is fair at this point) and let us…
  • Still only UC, but I got Stryfe from the 5 star nexus. Heard he's good
  • With just the rewards for the first tier? How is that fair to anyone? You cannot just say that rolling back the objectives ensures everything is back to normal, I for one still expected to somehow get the 2k 5star shards at the higher reward tiers.
  • Okay, if you want to encourage people to push for higher progression levels so be it, might be in line with some plan that the team has. But at least improve the rewards for this quest and/or make it so that people who have already completed the story content that their objectives require them to rerun do not require…
  • Same problem.
  • I just did this recently. Fought YJ a few times and quit, just got used to his fighting. I felt he’s a bit more aggressive than usual in this quest. Used red mags for practice but I don’t feel comfortable fighting YJ with him, so I ended up using warlock instead. I’d suggest practising with whoever you’re comfortable with,…
  • Adding to my previous reply, one possible fix (for those of us with limited 5 stars and a growing 3 and 4 star roster) could be to add the 4 star basic as it was, but limit the entries to those who have completed Act 4. So pre-Act4 you have the Summoner Trials with the much needed shards to build your roster, post-Act4 you…
  • As an F2P, pre-uncollected (or still-collected) player and casual milestone grinder I'm quite disappointed with the changes. Like another user has pointed out we lose out on about 120 units a week, which really impacts what we can get - either crystals, masteries or material to clear content. Plus the milestones are too…