pournstarr ★
Here's the correct order... 1% of my true power break me into pieces split myself into five an arm and a leg puzzle is in your hands put the pieces together Know how I know? The guy doing the first letter of each clue was on to something... 1 BS APP.
looks like the same attack to me... just at diff stages of it. try it if you don't believe me... @shawnli87 that's all part of the animation of his third light attack.
from my research, you have to have the hela and thorag synergy, and you have to finish the fight with thor's third light attack. also you can't have a heal block on you. and agreed, the fight does finish, but he won't gain the 10% life. (which is why i think if you have a heal block on you, if doesn't freeze) anyone else…
bumper cars
sorry bro... i checked ur profile, but i dont think u'd be an asset to us at this stage. if u can pump it up some more, definitely hit me up, but we're looking at 75k as a minimum. thanks.