reind ★
I have same issue. I thought the new update would fix it. But apparently not
i'm outraged by this nerf. you should at least give us rank down ticket for her
so, what's the conclusion on this? are we still gonna have same problem in this upcoming war?
same issue here.
I have same problem over here
still looking
Still looking for 2
Hi, We are in Tier3-4 in war. Gold 1 last season. 5x5 in AQ. alliance tag: ColdG. let me know if you're interested. LINE: piandy08 or IG: reindhartl
we have opening for you guys. we're in tier 4 in war. Gold1 last season. doing 5x5 in AQ. alliance tag: ColdG. look us up. msg me if you're interested. line ID: piandy08. IGN: reindhartl