Sometimes possible. I beat him once in master and uncollected. Most of the time he backs me into the corner and it’s over. Yes I know how to bait. I’ve been playing for years and I’ve never not been able to 100% master and at least finish uncollected. He’s nothing but a money grab from a bunch of money hungry a**holes.
First time in 3 years I’m not able to complete master mode. Going to try uncollected and see if that’s easier. Sure looks easier watching everyone on YouTube.
Lol. I understand Quake fairly well but I’m not up yet on Stark Spidey’s abilities. Guess I should go to YouTube and check out some vids.
Finally did it! I had to revive Vision a couple of times but when I finally got the heal block on him he went down. Is Vision's S1 not a guaranteed heal block? I hit him with it two or three times before I finally got it.
What happened to regen amount being based on base health? Only when it benefits Kabam? I think those kids that would always change the rules when they were losing, went to work at Kabam.
Their not going to fix parry. Might as well quit or get over it. It makes them more $$$
This is a **** challenge and Mephisto is so unfair. Your killing the game slowly but surely. Everyone in my alliance has quit in the last 2 weeks.
I enjoy the game but I’ve come to a point that I see no way out of. Everyone in my alliance has quit the game in the last month. Mephisto was the last straw for them. I guess I need to look for a new alliance. Although I don’t think having anymore 5/50 characters would help me with Mephisto. I’ve tried a few more times to…
I’ve never really thought about quitting before but I don’t see a way out at this point. I’ve been playing for 2 years and still no star lord or scarlet witch duped spidey, etc, etc. it might be time to take my money elsewhere.
Beat the Goldblum challenge no problem. Used every revive I had and spent 300 units. Still can’t beat him. I’ve never been so frustrated at this game. Every 2nd or 3rd hit he gains incineration and then backs me into a corner. I can’t stay alive with vision long enough to get to s2 to heal block him.
Beat it with Magik. Now if i could figure out Mephisto ..... I hate him.
Thanks guys. Leaning on 5/50 magik or hulk. I’m having trouble with boss rush so thought hulk might help more there.
I think I understand how he works now. I keep dying so he stacks souls and then his regen is stupid. I still can't beat him and probably never will but at least I get it now. Thanks
Does he only regen once per fight?
I don't understand how to beat him when he regens to almost full health?
I must really suck at this game. I have Voodo, Gwen Pool, Vision and Rogue @ 5/50. Couldn't get past Mephisto. Used several revives and he just regens to almost full health. Oh well, guess I'll just keep playing arena and the daily quests. Must be more my speed.