Introducing your first Experience with 6-Star Champions: The Boss Rush Challenge! [UPDATED Oct 17]



  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    DukeZman wrote: »
    I guess I don't see how this lets us give appropriate feedback on 6*s. Because of the buffs and gimmicky champs you selected, it becomes more about just buffed up mini-bosses that require certain champs to beat. If you have a 4* duped iceman, then it's easy. If you don't, then it's super hard. So the difficulty is based not on them being 6*s but the nodes they are on and whether you have Iceman and a bleed immune champ. I honestly couldn't tell a difference between playing against one of these 6*'s and your average buffed up 5*

    Correct. This challenge is about 100% worthless when it comes to getting any sort of feedback. Had they added a lane of 5* with the same champs and nodes then maybe we could give them feedback.
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    WOK wrote: »

    6* champs, with high block damage, force you to rely on intercepting instead of parrying. Those of us getting through with little to no issues are most likely intercepting much more than those who are having trouble.

    I agree with all of you in regards to intercepting. I don't consider myself to be a slouch at the game BUT Im not good enough to be able to intercept nearly every atk advance. Roughly 30% 70% in favor of Parry for me. Although I still do consider 9k block damage to be quite high. I figure if I was good enough to intercept a majority of atks and evade all baited specials, it would make it easier. Guess I need to put in some more practice. GREAT. Hehehe
  • xoRIVALoxxoRIVALox Member Posts: 247
    None of this means anything. How are 6*? Dunno because they are all on buffed nodes
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    Btw, how does everyone like the Life steal & Bane combo node with Lokis 150k hp in the grandmaster challenge? Lol
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  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    WOK wrote: »
    Btw, how does everyone like the Life steal & Bane combo node with Lokis 150k hp in the grandmaster challenge? Lol

    I didn't have any trouble with it. Maybe I just got lucky, but it was basically evade L1, 5 hit combo, evade L1, 5 hit combo all the way until he was dead.
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    @Viper1987 , surprisingly I also didnt have as much difficulty with it as I assumed I would. Took all 5 of my lineup to finally get there but got there. I'd been stuck on 5.2.5 for a little bit and couldnt get the timing down fpr Bane, but I noticed in the Challenge the life steal was a bonus towards my survival.
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    WOK wrote: »
    @Viper1987 , surprisingly I also didnt have as much difficulty with it as I assumed I would. Took all 5 of my lineup to finally get there but got there. I'd been stuck on 5.2.5 for a little bit and couldnt get the timing down fpr Bane, but I noticed in the Challenge the life steal was a bonus towards my survival.

    Stun champs are good for bane cos you can stun them an then transfer, power control are excellent too as you don't miss transfer windows throughout baiting. Then there is Hyperion, I found him a good champ for his power gain cos he gets his l3 quick you can keep it incase you miss a transfer then hit them with the l3 to transfer. Hope this can help you @WOK
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    Thanks for the tips @Jaffacaked! I just recently started making a habit of trying to find pointers online. Would have made things soo much easier for me in the past like when I completed ROL.......using DS taking nearly 30mins per fight and close to 2k hits. LOL
  • Bell2072Bell2072 Member Posts: 1
    Having mephisto as the boss was so unfair and you have to
    Use so much units just to get back 175
  • thodalosthodalos Member Posts: 19
    This is a **** challenge and Mephisto is so unfair. Your killing the game slowly but surely. Everyone in my alliance has quit in the last 2 weeks.
  • thodalosthodalos Member Posts: 19
    What happened to regen amount being based on base health? Only when it benefits Kabam?
    I think those kids that would always change the rules when they were losing, went to work at Kabam.
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    thodalos wrote: »
    What happened to regen amount being based on base health? Only when it benefits Kabam?
    I think those kids that would always change the rules when they were losing, went to work at Kabam.

    Don't quote me on this, but I believe that was specifically announced for AW defenders only and I can't recall mention of it being all encompassing of the game content. I'm as dissapointed and critical of Kabam as much as the next person, but it wouldn't do any of us good if we base our discontent on possible misinformation.
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,278 ★★★★★
    Red Hulk should be buffed with Incinerate Immunity.
    I think that would help me finish the Boss Rush.
  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    WOK wrote: »
    thodalos wrote: »
    What happened to regen amount being based on base health? Only when it benefits Kabam?
    I think those kids that would always change the rules when they were losing, went to work at Kabam.

    Don't quote me on this, but I believe that was specifically announced for AW defenders only and I can't recall mention of it being all encompassing of the game content. I'm as dissapointed and critical of Kabam as much as the next person, but it wouldn't do any of us good if we base our discontent on possible misinformation.

    I'm fairly certain it's game encompassing, not just AW. However, it's easy enough to test out. Take Wolvie to WS solo and see what he regens for. Then take him with health synergies such as AV/sym spidey/VP, or bring X-23. If he regens the same, it's game encompassing regen based on base health. If his regen goes up with the synergies, it's based on modified health except for AW most likely.
  • ApacheApache Member Posts: 558 ★★
    so after this one expires will we get another boss rush
  • Crosswolf1Crosswolf1 Member Posts: 27
    Are we ever gonna get Tier 5 basic Cats to max our 5*s ?!?!? Would be nice to max a few 5*s before 6*s drop. Would be really dumb if Kabam releases 6*s before the Cats we need for our 5*s. Come on 5*s have been out how long????? Hello!!!!
  • UsedupUsedup Member Posts: 6
    It's a good thing Kabam really wants diversity in the game. The best way to prove it is to introduce content that you have to have one or two champs to possibly beat. Super rewards too. A four star crystal for beating six star Mephisto that regens 6k a sec. Anyone that thinks this quest is good probably has an iceman. The rest of think it's atotap pile of **** just like the rewards attached to it.
  • UsedupUsedup Member Posts: 6
    I think they should change Mephisto's name in this contest to Cash Register. Then change the title from Boss Rush to Extortion. I hope the people that created this challenge get hit by the Brinks truck driving away with all the summoners money.
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,278 ★★★★★
    Has anyone else thought Mephisto's regen was too much for the souls consumed? In one of my fights he started at 28k and one soul, beat me, and on the champ select screen he was back up at 42k health. That's way bigger than the description says it should be
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,278 ★★★★★
    edited October 2017
    What am I missing here? His description says he regains 3.5k health per soul, and he's going up 14k when he only starts fights with one soul. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,754 ★★★★★
    He heals 7k per charge so when he's at the regen about 28k he gets so much back and if he has 6 charges he heals for 42k so that brings him to 70k at least
  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    Snizzbar wrote: »
    What am I missing here? His description says he regains 3.5k health per soul, and he's going up 14k when he only starts fights with one soul. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills

    Node buff makes that 200% more healing
  • Kbumisswell1Kbumisswell1 Member Posts: 2
    After a year I just got my first 5 star hero! I was so excited then 6 star heroes were announced. The drop rate for tier 4 tech catalyst fragments is virtually nonexistent for me. I have noticed 500 fragments for sale for 49.99. 36,000 fragments are required to make a whole catalyst. I can’t imagine what it will take for six stars. I either need $10,000 I can waste on a game or 15 uninterrupted years of playing time. Hahaha
  • JabbawokkyJabbawokky Member Posts: 139
    edited October 2017
    Only people this challenge is easy for are people with deep pockets or a roster of 4/55 5*. The damage received without being hit is beyond ridiculous when fighting Morningstar and Mephisto. To top it off, Mephisto regen doesnt nullify, so majority of the time you are fighting him over and over. Heal block champ doesnt too little damage and SW refuses to nullify. Another challenge I wont be defeating. I call money grab smh
  • Xthea9Xthea9 Member Posts: 829 ★★
    This is what happens in Boss rush , when you are blocking but still u get hit and die .... lol
    Check this out
  • OnlyOneAboveAllOnlyOneAboveAll Member Posts: 392 ★★
    WOK wrote: »

    6* champs, with high block damage, force you to rely on intercepting instead of parrying. Those of us getting through with little to no issues are most likely intercepting much more than those who are having trouble.

    I destroyed this event within the first 30 minutes of release. Not one revive. I parried a lot. I don't intercept very well at all so I relied on having to take some block damage. I had unduped r5 Iceman with me and he just straight murdered Blade and Mephisto. My r4/55 Sig 52 Storm made short work of Crossbones and Morningstar. In fact I got Morningstar in the red right away at the same time I got my second and KO'ed her in one shot. Used Vision AOU for GR. Challenge was pretty easy and i normally struggle or use a few units in events like this.
  • James78James78 Member Posts: 1
    Good for you, many others however are not fortunate enough to have a champ who is immune to Mephistos aura. This fight made me feel like quiting the game. My first attempt got him to half health, my second to quater health, then I spent about 1000 unit's while his health went between the two, eventually ending back up to three quaters health by the time I'd spent over 1500 units........ THIS SUCKS KABAM!!!
  • MillybearMillybear Member Posts: 113
    James78 wrote: »
    Good for you, many others however are not fortunate enough to have a champ who is immune to Mephistos aura. This fight made me feel like quiting the game. My first attempt got him to half health, my second to quater health, then I spent about 1000 unit's while his health went between the two, eventually ending back up to three quaters health by the time I'd spent over 1500 units........ THIS SUCKS KABAM!!!

    You suck, not Kabam. Maybe you just need to improve your skills. I did it with 4* 3/30 and no iceman...
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