yakovox ★
Please, it’ll be superior class, and it will have 4 permanent passive: unblockable, unstoppable, power gain (1 bar per sec), and death touch. Don’t worry, though, he’s too strong to be a defender, so he’ll just be chillin and never put in a fight
Hey guys, I've always wanted to get the legends title but never made a plan to. Currently I have a 5/65 Corvus and R2 6* Domino, an I also don't run suicides. What synergies and masteries should I use and need for a future run?
Difficult defenders: Then: Now: Honestly, I don’t know which is worse, but I get PTSD from both
My personal favorite is Dormemu
How Kabam makes difficult content
Mcoc: Releases squirrel girl and accornucopia Kabam Miike: Abyss wont be completed for a long time Seatin & Lagacy: beat Abyss in about 6 hours Meme thread: “Let’s go nuts”
He'll probably be an annoying defender, but I have him as an awakened 4*. (ps you forgot venompool)
And it was my first 5 star