1TapTakeANap ★
Re: Downtime Compensation [Merged Threads]
Marvellous Crystal update please? I presume it wouldnt be as difficult sending those out compared to deciding the content of the 8 hr compensation? (View Post)1 -
Re: AQ Bracket Issue [Resolved: Compensation Given]
I Honestly cant wait untill the moment Kabam devs and moderators piss off the community enough and see the MASS amounts of refunds that will be made , with reason aswell. And as they see their bank a… (View Post)6 -
Re: AQ Bracket Issue [Resolved: Compensation Given]
Funny how this fiasco happens right after July 4th sales, atleast use our money to improve the game. 8 Hr downtime Marvelous crystal screw up Blood letting crystal screw up Overheating / shutting dow… (View Post)4 -
Re: Is that really how that went down?
Sorry to say but you may not be terrible but you're atleast not very good. This is AW , the ONLY mode in the game where you actually vs other players, your opposition is able to put specific champion… (View Post)5 -
Re: Alliance Wars Season 3 Discussion Thread
But the reply was made in context of map difficulty. Which he had a valid point aswell. ALSO Not everyone was asking for longer breaks . Majority of people are not in the top 50 alliances for AW and … (View Post)3