4Never ★
Re: Static damage Electro vs Mole Man
Correct, so why label or describe the mechanic as a static shock, if it doesn't inflict shock?! Saying static shock, implies to players that it's shock damage, as well as, shock damage is also a subs… (View Post)2 -
Re: Static damage Electro vs Mole Man
The issue here is that Electo's ability description is poorly worded, which is misleading and causes confusion. It states: "Opponents that make contact with you receive a Static Shock for 38% of… (View Post)4 -
Re: Brawl is the worst..
I want to also b!$%* about Hyperion with brawl/oscillate. When he gets the armor up for 15 seconds, guess what, he goes completely defensive. it is impossible (that I know of) to bait a special durin… (View Post)1 -
Re: Parry inconsistency solved?
@SquishyjrThe_4TH Ending combos with light attacks are not the issue according to those posting. Ending a combo in a medium attack creates the problem (for the champions listed)? (View Post)1 -
Re: 5* Sig stone Inventory quanity
I'll second that. Need a bigger storage for them. I have one maxed as well, and have 195 crystals, that I don't want to open, or be forced to have to use them on champs I don't intend on ranking. We … (View Post)1