Adok ★★
Re: Northstar and arcde
Shape-shifting is not the same as being Non-Binary lol (View Post)2 -
RoL Wolverine came back from the dead?
I was just randomly testing Kitty Pride with a full synergy team in RoL as one does when they're bored and had gotten to wolverine. Knowing that Kitty wouldn't be able to out damage his regeneration … (View Post)6 -
Re: This is disturbing.
So you just want a Nexus? xd (View Post)1 -
Re: Road to Cavelier chance?
No Dexterity??? I'm surprised you got past Act 5 (View Post)6 -
Re: Missing Items in Stash [Merged Threads]
Now all of my items are gone from it even when I do have it back (View Post)1