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What takes Priority- Signature, Passive, Ability, OR SP Attack?!
This gets confusing. If ANY champion can be poisioned by AA, because of his Signature, does this mean it is first on the list of “Cannot be affected by Opponents Ability Acccuary Reduction” If so, wh… (View Post)-1 -
Re: What takes Priority- Signature, Passive, Ability, OR SP Attack?!
Wait a minute here. Unless my life has been some kind of twisted reality from the twilight zone... We do percecive things in a three dimensional perspective right? I mean sure, you can look REALLY RE… (View Post)-1 -
Re: What 4 Star Champ gains 5,500 Attack?
@XxOriginalxX that’s been established right? Sparky. Event quest. Boss. Ohh I see now. It’s master not epic, dang MY bad. Really messed that one up. (View Post)-1 -
Re: What 4 Star Champ gains 5,500 Attack?
I almost forgott!! Added synergy will grant CB the chance to “reset” ALL fury durations upon entering Overun. Oh yes, this means keep on hitting the opponent harder.. harder.. furiously destroying th… (View Post)-1 -
Re: What 4 Star Champ gains 5,500 Attack?
@Sungj I’m not even touching that with your ten foot stick LOL. Sparky has the biggest damage output all day. Just saying, think CB just might be a bit underrated. ;-) (View Post)-1