Beholder_V ★
Re: Nerfed Champs
He doesn't mean nerf. Pretty sure English is not his first language here, so it's forgivable. He is basically saying the playing field is very unlevel from one champ to the next. But don't expect any… (View Post)1 -
Re: Scarlet witch?
It is weird as it's the only power drain in the game I'm aware of that drains the attacker AND the defender. But since the delve on her ability just says triggers 0-8 Buffs or Debuffs, it's hard to s… (View Post)1 -
Re: Remove master difficulty key from event quest
I like that @Gwendoline , I think that's a great solution. (View Post)1 -
Re: Deadpoolganger Node Issue... Help ASAP!
It is annoying as hell and I wish they'd pay a little more attention when they build these maps to that WELL KNOWN AND DOCUMENTED ISSUE. But as others have stated, you can expose the node in a few di… (View Post)1 -
Is MODOK ever going to get addressed?
So there's been this problem with MODOK since he was introduced and I've seen a great number of threads regarding it here. Basically, you are hitting him with a combo and he auto-blocks in the middle… (View Post)2