Bwest289 ★
Re: Sidequest vanished? [fix in the works]
Same. (View Post)1 -
Dani Moonstar still doesnt shut down Nick Fury
I'm trying to test Dani (sig.200 - 100% chance to reapply a passive neuro) against Nick Fury and her Neuros are not shutting down his second life. I may be missing something here. Steps to reproduce:… (View Post)4 -
Keep THIS going!
This is such a nice break from the winter solider/Deadpool punching bags. I’d love to see something like this available every month with a new champ, even if there were no rewards. (View Post)25 -
Re: Where are the AQ Rewards?? [updated: 12-07, 2:30pm PT]
looks… goal not achieved…. Wonder if we will get last weeks AQ rewards or this weeks SA rewards first. It’s a game within a game. (View Post)9 -
Re: Prestige Race?
Agreed. AW rewards have been addressed a few times through rank rewards and the loyalty store but AQ hasn’t been touched in a while. The glory store is severely lacking for those that are paragon. It… (View Post)1