Corkscrew ★★★
Re: I thought nightmare raids rewards were supposed to be better
Guess, I'm a poor sap. Calculated my "win-fall" to be 4,125 6* shards after max sigs from the 10 x 5*s. I imagine the takeaway Kabam would offer is that I need to look at the entire "p… (View Post)2 -
Re: Is BG still the grind worth ?
The higher you go, the less worth it, it becomes for time invested. It becomes significantly harder to match and you're just sitting in the queue. If you have a bad run, then all that time invested c… (View Post)2 -
Re: R4 guardian a good choice?
If Guardian relies on too much to go right to obtain damage, then that pretty much applies to almost all the attackers Kabam has released in the last 2-3 years. It's always something like - "get… (View Post)4 -
Re: Epoch of Pain Q for those of you who have finished exploration - easiest and hardest path?
Easiest: For most would say Hulking path. But either of the Science/Tech paths are easiest depending on how your roster and personal ability to handle the interactions Hardest: Cassie with Mutant/Mys… (View Post)2 -
Re: Fix the Intercepts!!!
Here's how I know intercepts are bugged. Faltered the defender with Prowler. In theory, there is no way for a defender to "beat" my intercept. In this case, tried the intercept and "fr… (View Post)17