
  • If you're using a weak spot champ - exactly this - I was hitting cap with Spiderham, bait heavy - then get him to cycle sp1s, not only are they refreshing vigilance but it's powering weak spot and he's beating himself up with the power stings.
  • I'm pretty sure they use that as standard first response. It's a natural filter for seeing which cases you have to take seriously. Don't respond to the questions in 48 hours, close the ticket. Can't answer the questions, close the ticket.
  • Vol 2 maybe. Vol 1 is "easier" with ascended 4*s, but no revive farming kind of kills them.
  • I'm pretty much at peace with what they're doing. It was feedback. As I said in a response to someone else. In the end, seem easier to tune into a scheduled live stream than waiting for the follow-up on X. Because that is an unknown drop date/time. There was a comment about the community not being mature enough for promo…
  • Which is why in the end - I said it is "easier" to tune into their stream. Because at least it's a set time. Being vigilant on X is a worse experience than trying to catch a stream, because people were basically waiting out for a random window. I think the reason why the community in general is so bent out of shape over is…
  • It's not the issue that you have to check the live stream or even subscribe to X... it's the 30 minutes window. Unless you are actually free at that time, you're going to miss out. It makes people tied to devices. This doesn't make people engaged, which I'm assuming is their intent. It makes people resentful. So pretty…
  • I'd been keeping my eye out on X and all I kept seeing was the updates about new champions. After so many false alarms, some vigilance was probably lost. I was in meetings at the time anyway. So even if I caught it, not like I can jump on immediately to claim it. Now to uninstall X. At this point, it seems easier to tune…
  • Out of the cosmic 7*s, he should be in the conversation. 1) Spideys/Havok/IMIW/Peni/etc counter 2) Buffed up 3) Disstrack 4) Variants 2/5/6 specifically and certainly more than serviceable in v1 (this is old stuff/hardly relevant) 5) Sustainable if you can get the health off a buff nullify with SP1 6) Beast in battle…
  • I don't really understand what you're trying to say, other than attempting to define what "stacked" means and what rewards they can purchase. Either way, the point is to get accounts moving out of VT into GC where they could likely end up anyway. It allows smaller accounts or players with less skill to push further…
  • That's because there is nothing currently in GC for getting there early. You put 48 -hour objectives in GC and that's the FOMO. The faster you get there, the more you get to claim.
  • This assumes they're winning and leaving. A lot of players if they're not using shields are just going to lose as many as they win and bobble around in the same tier until it suits them to push. The win/loss ratio won't change by increasing objectives in VT. My suggestion is adding GC only objectives.
  • You can re-earn currency, but it would be safer to leave yourself a buffer at the end of the month for the 8k to buy 10 rune stones. Buy out the runestones beginning each month, then you won't find yourself in a race against the clock to get more stones before reset.
  • Don't read 2 objectives as two grace days. It's still the equivalent of one grace day because both objectives fill at 6 fights, so it's both or none on a single day.
  • Unless you're saying he's lying or his chat is lying. However, I don't see the incentive for anyone to lie about having more points than they should. And clearly, he's not mistaken in understanding what is being communicated to him. I've linked to the time stamp, but after…
  • What would make you think they've stopped monitoring? Because you're seeing more big accounts with stacked decks? The new valiant early release bundles mean more pay to win accounts with 6r5 meta defenders that are dueling it out in VT. So, unless people are willing to drop units on tokens to get out. Given the rewards…
  • There are some people on 11 points... that's clearly not right.
  • Did you guys do a zone 25 push with Dust? Because she made this month way tougher than previous month's. EQ fine bring a counter. But half the time she has cleanse or might charge in incursions. Not saying she's unbeatable just brings a ton of unavoidable damage where pots are at a premium in incursions.
  • Sig 100 Angela here. 6/6
  • Unless I've been extremely lucky before, I don't know what was up with the nodes this month - toughest zone 25 push I've had. A ton of hard to avoid damaging debuffs (without swapping out for counters) i.e. caltrops, biohazard and then Dust herself. Pile on top of that nodes that were cleansing the defender. And finally…
  • Super high sig Angela is underrated in this fight just due to AI manipulation. Did this fight with a 5r5 sig 200 unascended and a 7r1 sig 80 and the difference was night and day. The initial ramp is easier as you're acquiring buffs, but similarly throughout the fight using sig 200 allows you to hit into block regardless of…
  • Or if you're willing to parry heavy through the entire thing... which is what I did. You can go the opposite way and go into frenzy as quickly as you can. This ability is applicable.... Gain a 75% chance to Resist a Block Break while at least 1 Monster Mass is active. Adding points into the Stand Your Ground Mastery also…
  • TLDR: Modifiers are additive in MCOC, not multiplicative, this allows modifiers to work independently of the order of operation. Usually, players try to call out a bug (that's not a bug) by rationalizing an order of execution, to explain why a detrimental effect should not apply. (Not referring to the OP) "But anything…
  • At the very least, I wish the AI wouldn't recover from a stun timer before the timer expires. The number of times this got me in WOW when I was using Hulk was miserable.
  • Lack of updated rewards and the guaranteed new 6* for the "haves". If you're a have not, then you have a steep learning curve every season. With Kabam's recent focus on meta defenders, that you either can't dex or can't parry and have specials that have a bunch of swipes required to avoid any damage. Unless you're in the…
  • I tried G99 and the frustrating thing was the inconsistent AI RNG. Depending on who you are using, you want Abs to be super passive or super aggressive. I was attempting to using block and sp1 to deny him specials. But overall the AI was too aggressive at throwing specials into block. Then you switch to another champ like…
  • Literally posted about using Viv a day ago or so. There is also a link in there showing a non-Beroman fight so you can get a more realistic feel of what is humanly possible. There are also some good…
  • Slayer of ill-informed Noobs doesn't quite have the same ring to it. I did one run with my alt in Necro without a reverse immune on the final phase and didn't find it as daunting or as frustrating as #robots.
  • This. @captain_rogers Not going backwards is probably the best thing about easy access to heal block. Her and OS share this, but I feel like OS doesn't have the same flow and if timers don't align on the unstoppable and his specials; he can get a massive regen particularly at low health.
  • You will want to try Warlock first just because of the attack and health difference. I had a 6r4 Viv and it was slow going, but it was nice to be able to "phase/parry" and not die. You will want to use the fury on her SP3 if you do use her. I tried the trick of denying specials using G99, but the AI was oddly aggressive at…
  • Heal reversal was THE thing. You were either going to eventually out-damage Wolverine with Starlord or heal reverse with Guillotine. While Abyss, Gauntlet and Necro all have roadblock fights, they don't have what is going on in this fight. What they all allowed the player to do was have a natural rhythm. This fight is…