DawsMan ★★★★★
Re: Spring of Sorrow week 1 options
Anybody complaining about this fight needs to stop. Winter of woe summer of pain and spring of sorrow have all been marketed as *challenging* endgame content. It’s not meant to be easy, and not every… (View Post)10 -
Re: Onslaught as a 7 star worth the rank up?
One of the best if not the best 7* to have (View Post)8 -
Re: Can we become valiant during spring cleaning for valiant offers?
A dupe on kilmonger, wanted bullseye from a titan, Jabari or mantis would be great. Based on these comments I think I’ll just take Elsa as she’s unique compared to my other skill champs and I imagine… (View Post)2 -
Re: Let it be known that 8.4.3 Emma Frost can be cheesed
I love winning fights with zero work (View Post)7 -
My Necropolis Run
My Team: R5 Sig 200 Ascended Aegon R4 Nick Fury R3 unawakened jugs Proxima & Heimdall R1 I ran a 30% Champion, 20% attack, and 25% health boost the entire run. I had 300 4h crystals that i popped… (View Post)11