DevsAreHappy ★
Re: 8.4 rewards prediction?
one 7R3 rank-up crystal, 1.x T4A. 7-star and Titan shards. (View Post)1 -
Re: Raids Thanos block mission
Tons of missions they can choose (they created many missions in Necropolis already), but Kabam decided to choose block for a reason, for example, because devs are happy with the difficulty? I honestl… (View Post)1 -
Re: Alliance war new globals make it borderline unplayable
Anyway, glad they tuned the numbers (View Post)1 -
Re: Alliance war new globals make it borderline unplayable
Block a SP2 of Titania on a few nodes, you will instantly lose 60% of health, which is 160-240 unites This is why devs are happy (View Post)2