Dsc0721 ★
Re: Going for Elders Bane. I hate this guy...
I haven’t tested it personally I watched this video and was planning to use the same tactic for exploration after I r4 sabertooth https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tMLM9fKIVlk but I don’t see why it woul… (View Post)2 -
Re: Going for Elders Bane. I hate this guy...
@ẞlооd forgot to tag you my bad kinda new to forums but posted a link above of the no mercy synergy in action (View Post)1 -
Re: Blade Vs. Antman future question
For reference this is consistent and also I don’t think it’s a visual glitch because non of his abilities seem to fail. (View Post)2 -
Blade Vs. Antman future question
I didn’t wanna make a post in the bugs section in case I’m missing something super obvious, But does anyone know of a reason why Blade would not get his danger sense versus the new antman considering… (View Post)7 -
Re: Barons war sorcerer supreme epic difficulty vs Storm X baron war difficulty. NOT FAIR?!
For whoever disagrees with me I’m just saying why did they make storm so much easier? (View Post)5