Elhadjee ★
I CALL IT FIRST!!! 100% sure
There is no error in the calendar those 2000 + 4000 are units which makes it a perfect balance and a good surprise. GJ Kabam wp (View Post)35 -
Re: Whom to r3 and use all my generic 6* sig stones.
Actually,in my situation prestige won't matter so much as I am Ftp and will never get 5 6* heroes to Max sig for prestige like the whales.The problem is that I have never used caiw as 4 or 5* since I… (View Post)1 -
Re: Half of my 6* roster is science. What are these odds?
If you wanna talk about pain hear me out. I have around 40 6* and only one cosmic which is Gamora and guess what? I have 2 cosmic t5CCs for more than 6 months now.One from first abyss run,the other f… (View Post)4 -
Re: If you could learn a SINGLE ability
Nova Flame / Flame on I would get any girl I want if I was that hot :wink: (View Post)4 -
Re: Is there any tricks for crystal pulls
Yea open your wallet and close your eyes,boom you get what you want....eventually. as long as your wallet can handle (View Post)2