Emilia90 ★★★★★
Re: The WoP 2025 rework vote isn't over yet
6 -
Re: Drax caught kissing Invisible Woman for luck
Secondhand embarrassment from this thread (View Post)9 -
Re: Pulse Check
I’m sorry but it’s so funny to me that he’s always talking on these threads like he’s doing the content regularly and hasn’t even gotten past cav yet, no hate to cavs but like cmon it’s silly now 😭 (View Post)19 -
Re: Pulse Check
You haven’t even gotten past cav, go finish the story content y’all got plenty of stuff to do 😭 (View Post)17 -
Re: Pixiemacaco is trying to silence me
Can you both silence each other so I don’t have to read either post? Thanks (View Post)14