Emilia90 ★★★★★
Haven’t seen anyone mention Hood, he’s so good
I can’t tell if this is satire or a completely warped worldview
Mystic - Hood Science - Silk Cosmic - Adam Mutant - Not in a rush to r4 anyone Skill - Crossbones if I had him but no one for now Tech - Stark Spidey or Prowler
Happy to see Mr. Knight win, new endgame content looks really juicy, and very happy to have another chance at 7* longshot On another note stream chat was even more unbearable today, people spamming prerecorded before stream even started, saying rigged for everything, and spamming giveaway codes that were clearly said to…
I just watched trappy nuke BG level bullseyes before even taking the recoil…what exactly is the issue here?
Seems to be back again now, it changed to the Bitcoin pfp and livestreams again and then back. Wtf is happening lol
Is it just me or did he get hacked again
Lantern is great, I think I used that gem on him. Works for some reason idk why though
Literally every big comic character has been given massive plot armor at some point. Depends on the writer lol
Invincible drags PNG’s across the screen half the time it’s so sad. Wish we got the Castlevania studio
The lack of votes for Adam is crazy. He can take 95% of meta defenders and plays around a ton, even if a few things make it harder. He soloed Necro fights for me too, if you have the playstyle down he’s a top tier option that doesn’t rely on DOT
You get plenty of gold though. If you’re low it’s because you’re ranking too many champs up or aren’t grinding the game enough
Forum users when basic human empathy 😮
Yeah he’s been hacked, cat confirmed he’s working on it in the discord
What on earth compelled you to type this 😭
I know what kind of man you are
Doesn’t hype pair with Gamora better
Watch BmCG vids on him. He’s great for long form now so if you need to do that type of content or want to invest in the future, he’s a good pick But the stun thing getting changed was the only technical “nerf” but he’s been buffed in every other aspect. His total reverb post-buff is also more than it was pre-buff now with…
Queen Silk
You should be fine as long as you instantly sent a ticket into Kabam. Hope it works out!
Titania probably better overall but She-Hulk has my heart
It’s not a top level reward for valiants, they just haven’t updated monthly stuff for us yet. Crashed made it pretty clear that lots of people have a bunch of AGs so the trade in is there if you have no use for them.
I wonder if the votes will turn out like every other year where the popular option among the forums and active community loses I’m really sad Daredevil Elektra got eliminated, she was cool :(
I’d say put them all into Thanos. He really really benefits from high sig and he kinda feels like an entirely different champ cause of how much uptime you have. She-Hulk has a nice ability that gets some more potency but not really anything you’d need desperately
Half the people he listed aren’t even meant to counter those champs (btw jealous of that Shathra) Spiral was the first serpent hard counter too. Shathra is good for him but like you said, she’s a general nuke and was mostly designed as a Maestro hard counter Nefaria isn’t even intended as a serpent counter (he can’t evade…
Literally every champ you listed (outside isophyne) are versatile and can be used in a ton of other places outside of Serpent and Bullseye. Dazzler can nuke a ton, Spiral is also a general nuke even though she’s mainly a serpent counter, Nefaria isn’t even close to the best serpent counter but great for a ton of other…
Both can solo him so it doesn’t matter which one you choose. I wanted to get some use out of KG and I thought he was a little safer (plus I wanted to save thanos for GM and I was out of health potions lol)
I love when Herc refuses to throw his heavy so you lose 30% of your health in red numbers or when he refuses to come in for an intercept. Also gullly needs the sp1 to keep neutralize up but activating it gives him protection too. It genuinely got unmanageable for me lol