Fishweasel ★★
Re: Ghost can’t phase recoil with hood on the team
The other thing that bothers me is if it’s a bug that benefits the player (like the Hawkeye rework bug) it’s fixed in a very short period of time, usually hours and it’s considered an “exploit” if yo… (View Post)10 -
Re: Void or Red Guardian?
Go with void. Red guardian is terrible.... I have him R5 5* and R2 6*. Tried so hard to like him but his damage rotation is hard to keep up and he is no fun to play. I wish I could recover my resourc… (View Post)1 -
Re: Alliance Tickets [Merged Threads]
@"Kabam Miike" please look at the post from @LeNoirFaineant .... it’s a simple and fair solution. You should seriously consider this approach. @LeNoirFaineant great suggestion, love it! (View Post)3 -
Re: Alliance Tickets [Merged Threads]
I like this solution. Fair, reasonable and everyone contributes. And simple! Very good suggestion. (View Post)1 -
Re: Warning: 6* max sig dupe
I don’t disagree with that. The thought would be 7* would come out before people could reach that point but maybe that’s not the case. I only have one max sig so that’s my perspective. I know there a… (View Post)0