General__Ross ★
Re: It's Friday. Jeans and shirt day.
“Dress up as your favorite superhero” team (View Post)53 -
Re: Goldpool regen at 15%
Who were you fighting? Certain champs have nullify, stagger, Fate Seal, and other methods of removing buffs that aren’t based on Ability Accuracy Reduction (View Post)1 -
Re: 5* versus 6*
R2 Duped Rulk and unduped Hood. No regrets. (View Post)1 -
Re: Potentially Un-Killable Captain Marvel.
@Swabs of the power start 1 nodes on the upper left side? (View Post)1 -
Re: Accidental boost missing from offer?
This is why it pays more to be ftp. Can’t complain about deals having less than previous deals if you aren’t buying them in the first place. Glad I haven’t bought anything since christmas 2016 (View Post)1