Ghostspider231 ★★★
Re: AQ potions missing from loyalty store
This is an insult because loyalty is more abundant and the loyalty store had no limit so you could buy as many as you wanted. Also glory is way more valuable for rank up material. It’s a cash grab an… (View Post)2 -
Re: What is your greatest crystal pull in your MCOC "career"?
I pulled: HT as a 6* on the first GMFC after pulling three crystals and then duped him a few months later After one pass of Act 5, I pulled 5* Hype and AA (View Post)2 -
Re: No XL incinerate immune champ yet?
Ghulk will heal 70% of all mephisto aura damage. Just spam his t1 which heal blocks. Warlock will degen and power drain any champ healing. So parry until he’s infected and let the regen kill him. Mig… (View Post)3 -
Re: Guardian Canadian Difficulty - broken or to OP?
Corvus has solo'd him every time for in Canadian. I've also used Doom. Sasquatch is the problem match in this quest because he has such a large health pool, strong armor, and breakthrough makes it a … (View Post)2 -
Re: Sigh... UC EQ
Oh yeah how terrible. I demand to spend units and revives on this game. How dare you Kabam!! (View Post)23