Iksdjvan ★★
Re: 6* shard arena reminder
Actually, if you are only getting 2k per fight it will take 667 rounds, 2000 fights... yep (View Post)0 -
Re: Side Quest Objectives - Week 3 [Merged Threads]
I used to love this game… spent over a thousand maybe close to 2k… i slowed my spending as i started to hate even despise how ridiculous this game was getting… i just completed the first week of obje… (View Post)4 -
Re: The Summoner Appreciation Replacement is a Massive Chore
I hate it too... This isn't summoner appreciation... I won't do it... Kabam can go to hell (View Post)4 -
Controls not working?
Anyone having a problem with champions just standing there and inputs not working? Im not talking about me missing it getting made and saying i can’t lose moments... but over the last couple of weeks… (View Post)4 -
Aw glitch
So i went to travel through the portal on the left of the map to path A. The game glitched on me an showed that my “game piece”, for lack of the right name, didn’t move. However, on the new section i… (View Post)0