Jayerick ★
Have you tried using this search function? There are champs with names (especially variant champs such as Iron Man, Black Panther, etc.) who have more characters in their name than allowable to enter… (View Post)5 -
T4cc crystal opening, RNG cooked!?
Having had an overflow of science in my stash, and a high amount of skill and mystic T4cc I decided to trade 10 my science and 4 of skill and mystic each. I opened 30 T4cc crystals in hopes of obviou… (View Post)1 -
Lower probability for Degen activation with Dorm in AQ Map 6 using Gulk
Having fought Dorm for years now I am familiar with the probability of triggering his passive degen. I have noticed, very consistently now, that using Gulk in AQ Map 6 produces a much lower than usua… (View Post)1 -
Re: Issues with Fear of the Void while fighting King Groot [Title edited for clarity]
Do you guys have the Despair mastery maxed, too? I do and have never had this issue (yet, knock on wood) (View Post)1 -
Re: Hitting into block being countered by specials. [Merged Threads]
Happened to me while using Corvus to hit into block. Can feel the urge to retire coming. I always stop spending any money when game behavior is in the dumps, that's just the truth. (View Post)1