Re: Why is my account banned
I even changed my password weeks ago to be sure nobody can log in for me (View Post)1 -
Re: First 4* Mystic at rank 5
Magik's S2 can literally be spammed so the opponent will never ever get power ever again. It's one of the easiest ways to trap the opponent in the corner. Magik alone helped me beat the Dave Bautista… (View Post)2 -
Re: Team suggestions for web slinging quest
Speaking of Vulture, don't bother trying to dodge his S2. The range is definitely longer than Archangel's S2. Just keep blocking until Vulture makes that one last blast move, kinda like Scarlet Witch… (View Post)1 -
Re: Best 2017 champions so far ?
2017 champs so far from best to worst tier: A+ tier: Iceman: On defense, his ice armor absorbs a lot of damage and saves him from being stunned once. Coldsnap gets rid of a lot of health instantly, a… (View Post)7 -
Re: 15k 5* shards for Iceman or Spider man homecoming?
Iceman is one of the best attackers and defenders in the game right now. Spiderman Homecoming still needs time to confirm how good he is. Not worth the risk imo. (View Post)2