Ken1378 ★★★
How Much Gold Can You Earn in a Month?
I was inspired (or maybe triggered is a better word) by another post earlier this week where the OP stated, in part, that they earn 2.5 - 4 million gold. So, I took it upon myself to figure out if th… (View Post)15 -
Re: 6* Dual Type Crystal's!!!
Well, I think you’re getting closer to the point I’m trying to make, this last statement is again, total nonsense. Like I mentioned in my first post, you are making an assumption that it’s a “feature… (View Post)1 -
Re: Paragon Needs To Mean More
You missed the biggest one. Paragon Glory Store! (View Post)9 -
Re: Carina’s Abyss Challenges
What path are you planning to do? And do you run suicides? I found the Prof X/Colossus synergy very helpful. Without a Stryfe, I’d be a little nervous about Luke Cage and the Cosmic fights. I’m not s… (View Post)1 -
Re: Quality of Life Suggestion: Less paths for Map 6?
I just counted the number of fights in Map 5 and Map 6. I got 112 vs 119. I didn’t realize it was that close. I also counted 43 empty nodes vs 47 empty nodes, so total movement required is quite simi… (View Post)2