Re: Is it just me
yes i have same lag problem, a lot of time the game freeze for 2-3 second during fight and in the menu (View Post)2 -
Re: Abusers on global chats
yes same with players that want sell account, i report always they but kabam not ban they @"Kabam Miike" (View Post)2 -
Re: 10% attack and health boost?a way to suicide for those who are running suicide mastery
Yes, in attack i like use suicide mastery but in defence the IA is easy to beat why the lose life and with recoil 5% every skill and life boosters increanse the damage. The only way for have a good w… (View Post)1 -
Re: Limit Liquid courage and double edge damage
i agree, suicide masteries are useless in AW defence and we can't change they every time. For fix need to change recoil and reduce the damage of poison and bleed (View Post)1 -
Re: Cannot Join AQ - Two AQs? EDIT: Can Join, but two AQs are up
here the AQ start at 21:00, we have 2-3 hours for join and use the energy fist of the night. If we can't join now we lose all this time without remove nodes and when all can join we not have enough t… (View Post)4