KnightOfTheRealm ★★★
Re: Desperate help!!
Nova please NTW is so bad (View Post)2 -
MBGA! (View Post)21 -
Re: Should I open Titan Crystal Now Or Wait For The New Patch?
Wait 6 months for a full refresh. Nothing promising coming. I'm saving 50k titan shards and will have a lot more by the time it refreshes fully. (View Post)1 -
Re: Wich 7 Star Skill Champion to R2
Mantis is a BG nuke that can take a ton of fights fast once you learn her (View Post)8 -
Re: Who to select from 7* pool... Who's good as unduped..
All of them really want the dupe so just take whichever one you already have, if you have one. If you don't have any I would just go thing. (View Post)2