KnightOfTheRealm ★★★
Re: Who's a champ that you've ranked up or that you enjoy that isn't a "good" champion?
Punisher 2099, although some of the cooks I've gotten with him make me question anyone calling him bad lol (View Post)2 -
Re: I’m a new paragon, should I spend poolies on one 7* r2 or two 6* r5 gems?
Go for the two r5s. R5s and R2s are essentially very similar in stats, with the R2 having a slight edge (ascension equalizes this). Especially as herc and nick are two of the best in the game. Better… (View Post)4 -
Re: Special attacks: Unblockable and cannot be evaded with dexterity
Rocket can also block unblockable specials against mutants (View Post)2 -
Re: Who should I take to r4 for Superior Kang?
Nick is a much better champ in general. You don’t need to r4 hype for that fight. Just do nick (View Post)2 -
Re: why do people say odin isnt top tier
Yeah he’s fantastic, main drawback is healthpool dependent damage. Incredible utility though. A tier champ for sure (View Post)2