Leathersmw2017 ★
Re: Summ(on)er Event
1. I think we need to see it released tomorrow to see how much ftp is actually missing out on. 2. As a ftp player myself, I don’t have an issue with p2p having access to more. Without their $, there … (View Post)8 -
Re: Thronebreaker and essentially no AQ/AW
This is what I do as well. Don't see the need to stress about AW/AQ. (View Post)1 -
Re: Game Keeps On Crashing
This has been an issue for the past 3 updates. However, this latest update is the worst. It is crashing multiple times an hour, instead of about once an hour. (View Post)3 -
Re: [iOS] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation
Leathersmw2017 iPhone SE IOS 14.0 WIFI 28.2.2 Arena Game crashed during the middle of a fight. First time that this has happened. The game still randomly crashes going into fights as well. Seems like… (View Post)1 -
Re: Yo Ho, Yo Ho! A Summoner's Life For Me!
From Kabam Boo’s post. If they’re saying that, they’re giving people permission to claim that item one more time. After that, it’ll disappear and you won’t have the opportunity again to claim it. (View Post)5