MarshMarlo ★★★
Re: I am happy but a bit confuse too.
For my 6*, I usually depend it on the opponents health bar. If their is Health is not that big, I do: MLLLM then MLLLL Heavy-Sp2. Finish the fight. If the healthpool is quite big, I do: MLLLM until I… (View Post)2 -
Kabam is one bug away from being the best bugged game and it's not even close
I AM IN TEARS. I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH. SO HEAR ME OUT... (all KD reference) But seriously. Persistent charges. Bugged. Side quest. Bugged. Monthly Quest. Bugged. (Skill and Science) Tons of visual … (View Post)17 -
Re: Thoughts on the buffs Here ya go. 5*R3 on an Icarus node. No degen at all (View Post)3 -
Re: Angela - Discussion Icarus what (View Post)5 -
Re: Whats your talent and how do You use it game wise?
I'm a carpenter. When it lags, I use my phone as a hammer (View Post)2