Nick1109 ★★★
Just decided to spend 300 units one more and it paid off!
This type of luck never happens to me so I'm so excited he's also my favorite Spiderman! (View Post)7 -
Re: Beat The Grandmaster!!!
Dang gg my guy sorry about that Nexus I forgot what I got lol (View Post)1 -
Pointers on Playing The Hood.
Alright so I don't know much about Hood all I know is that he got buffed but some people don't refer to it as a buff some people liked it and some people didn't so now that he's being reverted can y'… (View Post)2 -
Name You Top 3 Champs You Want To See Get a Re-work, Tune Up, or Overhaul!
Mine would be. Black Widow DO- I have her and I took her to 5/65 solely based on enjoyment and I wanted a MCU version for a long time but let's face it if the opponent can't be shocked she's not wort… (View Post)9 -
Re: New scarlet witch?
I was thinking maybe as a gift for the people who wait to open it Christmas Day maybe 5* for Cavalier and 6* for Thronebreakers. (View Post)1